Brussels: Traveling and accommodation

We have collected some information to make getting to Brussels easier and to help you find some cheap accommodations.

Generally, accommodation has to be organized autonomously. But don’t hesitate to ask in case of you have a problem.

Travel Goups

Also, you can ask German NGO “FoeBuD”. Thanks to Jan Philipp Albrecht, they are organziing a trip to Brussels with accommodation and partial reimbursement of travel expenses. They will visit the EU-Parliament on Monday and they will have a room to invite people from the Parliament and/or the Commission. Don’t hesitate to ask them; it’s an really easy way and everybody can join! Please see the info. and order your trip to Brussels via the FoeBuD-Online-Shop. Tip: Don’t forget to provide the data required for entry to the Parliament on the “Comments” section of your order.

If you know some parliamentarians who have the option to invite groups, then please let us know and ask them.

If you want to rent a bus then please contact us and we will help you to find people who want to join.


Independent from that you may have a look at the map and the following links:


If you plan to travel by car or train (group tickets), then please use our wiki and the opportunity to announce or look for car-sharing to Brussels.


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One Response to Brussels: Traveling and accommodation

  1. Rainer von Leoprechting says:

    Hallo Leute, ein paar Gäste können bei uns unterkommen, neben einem Sofa oder einer Matratze gibt es auch Gelegenheit für politische Gespräche mit ehemaligen EU-Beamten, die seit ein paar Monaten ausgestiegen sind….

    Kurze Anmeldung bei

    Gruss, Rainer

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